Surprise! This is me, (Jane is behind me, you can't see her), Ashley, & Kris
** a note about this post: I'm having trouble with blogger tonight. I think it's because I'm trying to put too many pictures on this post. Apparently I'm not a very good blogger because it's taken me forever to do this post and it's still not the way that I want it, but I'm so tired of working on it, that this is just the way it is!! If it seems confused and jumbled, well....that's kind of how the party went too!!! Well, my Husband got me good on Saturday night when he threw me the mother of a birthday celebration. Here I thought we were meeting up with a group of friends, and then heading downtown to see Tom Petty (uhm, I was also duped in to thinking that we had amazing seats).....instead, I was surprised by 40 of our very good friends, waiting for me in my backyard.
Party go-ers......
I wish I had pictures of the tent and decorations....I think someone does, but these are some of the pictures that were taken on our camera. Dinner was done by a local caterer who brought huge grills and did whole beef tenderloins (so big that at one point one of my friends said, 'oh, look! he's grilling alligator!' -- she was totally kidding, of course!) with sauteed mushrooms and onions, grilled asparagus, a roasted yukon gold and blue cheese potato salad, and a fabulous caesar with giant garlic croutons......yum. No pictures of any plates, but believe me, it was a perfect 40th birthday dinner!
Ann, a co-conspirator who helped to pull it off! Julie, me, Sarah, & Ashley Uh, things are starting to get interesting.....mind you, it's about 12:45 am in this pic! Lori, Ann, Shelly, Lisa (in front), me, and Julie The evening wrapped up at around 1:45 (with some friends staying until 2)! One very dear friend (Lori; she's pictured above) was so kind that she delivered an Egg McMuffin and hashbrowns to me in my bed the next morning at around 10:00, which I gulped right down, and went back to sleep.
Our next door neighbors, Fred & Jane.....what could they possibly be looking at?!
......hhhhmmm, maybe they're horrified because they've spotted the birthday girl, dancing on her breakfast bar with a dollar sticking out of her top?
Rob, me, and my sister in law,'s getting late. Notice the oily shine!
I awoke a few hours later to enjoy the Wimbledon final (well done, Rafael!), go for a four mile run, shower, and enjoy a delicious Mexican dinner downtown.......I was in bed by 9 p.m!!!
Here's a very sad picture that in no way does justice to how gorgeous the flowers were! I loved them!
Forty isn't so actual birthday is today and I've had a blast!! I hope that everyone has girlfriends and family as dear as mine. I am truly blessed, and don't think that I don't know so!
Leah, Happy B-day and when I turned 40 last yr. I must say it wasn't as traumatizing as when I turned 30.
You'll look great (as do your your friends), you're still a kid and life is good!
Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a fantastic celebration - what a way to bring in 40! :)
You look FABULOUS.....I am right behind you...turning 38 this month. I have literally been having heart palps for 3 months over it. 20 year class reunion, death and dying etc. I in no way look 38 or feel 38 but for some reason it is kicking my ass mentally. Cardiologist is ready to kick me in the ass because I keep begging for tests and they tell me there is nothing wrong other than I am mental about my birthday...and perhaps I am a TAD peri-menopausal.......that word gives me palps also. ugh
Peter, thanks -- I'm in good company, even tho' 40 is one club I dreaded joining!
Patsy, was a wonderful time!
Stacey....38?!?! You silly thing. I loved that summer and my 20 year reunion. Don't keel over before you go and show everyone how fabulous you look!! And don't stress anymore, it only causes WRINKLES!!!!
Hey-Happy Birthday. What a fun bash. I've got forty to look forward to in a couple of years. As long as you keep on running, you feel like you're cheating the clock, don't you think? It looks like you have a fab group of friends.
Happy Birthday!! What fun!!
Happy birthday! Wow, 40. I remember then. I got married that year too. You are a spring chicken!
Is that a pole you are dancing around? Look out for Pac Man making it rain.
/too obscure?
//looks like you guys had a great time.
Happy Birthday to you!! It looks like you had a great time. Dancing on the breakfast bar sounds like my idea of a good time...why didn't I think of that? Hope that you have an amazing 40th year! You look FANTASTIC!
Hi Leah - I just happened to bump into your blog! It is interesting and entertaining. I am also in WI and love to cook. There is a Wisconsin Network you may be interested in joining at
I just joined and seeing that you are from WI, I thought I would pass that on. Keep posting!
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